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Copyright (c) 2015 Sebastien Varrette www

    Time-stamp: <Tue 2015-12-08 21:16 svarrette>

EasyBuild repositories development


This document describes the way modifications should be added to the various EasyBuild repositories hosted on the ULHPC github.

Overview of the repository

The repository contain multiple branches and more will be added as development of EasyBuild goes on. Here is a short description to understand their roles:

  • master: Branch in sync with the upstream master branch of the corresponding ugent repository.
  • develop: Branch in sync with the upstream develop branch of the corresponding ugent repository.
  • uni.lu-master: Branch in sync with master in term of EasyBuild development but with the ULHPC-specific modifications.
  • uni.lu-develop: Branch in sync with develop in term of EasyBuild development but with the ULHPC-specific modifications.
  • uni.lu-vx.y.z: Branch containing the version x.y.z of the EasyBuild repository (corresponds to the easybuild-easyconfigs-vx.y.z tag) with the ULHPC-specific modifications.

At all time, the ULHPC-specific modifications should be the same in uni.lu-master, uni.lu-develop and uni.lu-vx.y.z should be the same. The next part aims at explaining how to achieve that result.

Adding ULHPC-specific modifications

When adding new ULHPC-specific modification, the process should be the following:

  1. Create a new branch from uni.lu-master.
  2. Make the modifications on this branch
  3. Merge the branch in uni.lu-master, uni.lu-develop and uni.lu-vx.y.z for all x.y.z posterior to the version in uni.lu-master.

The important part is that you should not merge a more recent branch into an older one (for example from uni.lu-develop into uni.lu-master) because that would make both branches the same whereas they should not (usually) be.

Contributing to the ugent repositories

First and foremost, read the ugent guidelines to contributing back.

Then, if you want to contribute from the ULHPC repository, use the develop branch (and not the uni.lu-develop branch) and simply respect the general ugent guidelines.